He and Jess did a lot of walking around outside, enjoying the scenery and shooting the bull (figuratively speaking of course, since we don't have any cattle, they didn't really get to shoot the bull, ha, ha).
They checked out all the animals, walked in the back yard and in the woods, down by the pond and in the front yard. We ate pizza and some other good stuff, did crossword puzzles, talked a lot, and looked at lots and lots of old pictures. Randy wanted to see some of my old pictures. I'll bet he didn't realize I have a couple of boxes full, ha, ha! But I did try to quickly scan through them and just hand him the best ones. That doesn't mean I didn't hand him a few that were AWFUL pictures of me, and pretty laughable!
Before we knew it, it was Sunday afternoon and time for Randy to head home again.
Richard mentioned that he had to adjust the tricycle because Ellie has grown so much.
Now, as for the pizza part of the title! Jonathan is now working next-to-full-time delivering pizza at Domino's Pizza. He can make more money delivering pizza than he could working a retail job, so there he is. In fact, he informed me last night when he came home that he'd made as much money in 2 days as it usually took him 30 hours to make at Toys R Us.
Oh, the irony... for the longest he didn't want to do pizza delivery because of the wear and tear on the car. However, Domino's has a policy of NO SPEEDING, and in fact, if you get a speeding ticket while delivering pizza, you get suspended. The last time he worked at pizza delivery they were pushing him to "speed up" so he could make faster deliveries (which ultimately led to driving a little too fast on a rain-slicked road over a mountain and wrecking and totaling his car). He'll still put the miles on the vehicle, but this store also doesn't have as big a delivery area as the last place he worked, so that will help, too.
So there we have it, some of life's blessings - Cookie Monster birthday cakes, Ellie riding a tricycle, and Jonathan delivering pizza. Sweet!
WOW, Ellie is FOUR YEARS OLD today!!! She's not a little baby anymore. She's not even a toddler anymore. She's just a really cute little girl!
It's hard to believe that four years ago, she was such a tiny little thing.
And she was a little over 6 weeks old when I took this picture, so she'd grown some already!
Of course, you can see where this is going... now we need to see a picture of her at one-year old!
And another picture from around 2 years old... And then 3 years old...
And now, here we are, four years old! At least, she was mighty close to the official 4-year mark when this picture was taken, since it was just a few weeks ago when they were visiting.
Ellie is one special little girl. I wish we lived closer, but that's the way it goes in today's world! I know she has a super grandma were she lives, and lots of other fun family. (But I still miss her and her parents of course!)
In one of those funny little quirks of life, we almost ended up in Hickory when we moved from Cleveland. In fact, we were house hunting before a last minute change sent us to Alabama instead.
All things considered, we could spend a lot more time counting our blessings and have much to be thankful for!
But there’s changes, always changes!
All kinds of changes! Too many to list changes! My size has changed, my health has changed, my life has changed. But hopefully, I’m changing for the better in the process. The new, improved me!
Cause mostly, I’ve been blessed with changes for the better. Even things that didn’t seem so good at the time have usually worked out to move my life in an improved direction.
I may not always like change, but most of the time it’s good for me.