I think that's a very creative picture on the front of the card.
And they had a very nice thank you on the back side of the card. (If you click on the picture, it should enlarge enough so you can read it.) This is such a worthwhile cause. Anyone who has long hair and is thinking about cutting it, if you've got at least 10" of hair to cut off, send it to Locks of Love!
Awwww! What a wonderful thing you've done.
I wish my hair would grow, so I could donate my hair, too.
It seems to get to my shoulders and then just stops. :P
It's easier for me to deal with long hair, so it's really no great sacrifice on my part to cut off 10" every couple of years. It's a worthy cause for those who are able to do it. For those that can't.. hey! there are other worthy causes out there.
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