But hold on! There’s actually lots of good news, too. Since seven is supposed to be such a perfect number, here’s a list of seven of the nicer things that have happened lately, in no particular order --

* I got notice back from Social Security that they do NOT need to do a comprehensive review of my case this year.
* Jess is doing really well with his physical therapy, and eating better. (Still working on sleeping at night however!)
* I’ve got the new software loaded for working on-line, and “attended” the first on-line Q&A session tonight. I need to go through all the training modules so I can understand more of what they’re talking about! On the bright side, I got chosen as one of about 7 people to send in our questions directly to one of the CEO’s. They’ll answer all our questions and make a FAQ sheet for newbies.
* While it’s taking me a while to get used to the placement of my computer desk, having an office I can work in is GREAT. It’s at the other end of the house from all the action – tv in the den, the kitchen and bathrooms – so I’m out of the path of traffic and noise. I sat in here tonight with my speakers on listening, and wasn’t bothering anyone with my stuff, and they weren’t bothering me. FANTASTIC! Once I get all my books and stuff moved in here, it will really be super.
* It’s warmer outside. I can use the water hoses to fill buckets. No ice anywhere.
* My laptop was having trouble staying on AC power, and would keep flipping to battery power. I figured it was either a loose wire in the AC adapter cord, or the plug-in had loose prongs, or the computer itself was going haywire. Hoping for the best, I found a clone AC adapter for $15 and ordered it. I’ve been using it for a couple of days now, and happy to report (knock on wood!), the problem seems to be resolved!
So see, we have tidbits of good news happening here too!
Tidbits of good news are always wonderful! I love the "I Spy" game, mentally recording (and praising!) the blessings in each day.
Agreed, it always helps to focus on the blessings!
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