Like… more cold weather. At least it’s not the –58 degrees Fahrenheit it's been in Richard and Chrystie’s part of the world. (Remind me never to visit them in January!) But we are supposed to be getting the coldest weather we’ve had here in 6 years tonight and this weekend. I hate to think what our utility bill will look like next time.
Like… Jess still going to physical therapy Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. But he goes back to his ortho-surgeon next Monday too, so maybe he’ll get a reprieve, or at the very least, be released to drive himself where he needs or wants to go. (He can probably drive already, but if you get in an accident after having knee surgery, and haven't been released by your doctor to drive yet, the insurance won't pay for anything no matter whose fault the accident was!)

mornings now to help me with chores, so there's some more progress!
Like… same old chores inside and out. You know, feeding the animals outside, feeding the animals inside, including the 2-legged ones. Cleaning the kitchen. Laundry. Ironing. Same stuff everyone has to do to keep a household running.
But! I’ve also been getting more time in working on my “work” websites. I’m learning how to use a different kind of hosting account (reseller) and control panel. I’m upgrading to the latest version of Wordpress, which also has a changed control panel. And of course, I’m learning to use another kind of software and system for making sites and marketing.
And! I’ve been going through my older websites that I let slide during our travels, the holidays, and Jess's knee surgery, and discovering some promising traffic there. I definitely need to get back to work on the better ones, and get them revamped and going good again.
So while it's mostly more of the same, that’s okay. At least we're also making progress!
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