Do you realize this month is almost gone already? The time just whizzes by faster and faster it seems. On the down side, as usual I haven’t got near as much done as I’d hoped to do. On the positive side, it means we’re that much closer to February 14th, when Richard, Chrystie & Ellie will be here for a visit, before going back to Shriner’s Hospital, then on home again.
Jess in the last month has gotten steadily better. He’s really doing phenomenally well for it only being a little over 7 weeks since major surgery on both knees. He’s walking well, he’s done with physical therapy, and he only has one more appointment with the ortho-surgeon.
He went back to the office full-time on Monday. He’s had a little work, but it will take a while for people to know he’s back in the office. Also, even when they do, the work generally comes in spurts. He’ll go for days without work, then 2 or 3 people will want work at once.
Nothing new on Jonathan’s front. He helps out around the house and farm, but so far not much luck on a new job. When the economy is slow, and you don’t have a college degree or experience you can use, it makes it kind of tough. All prayers appreciated.
Me, well, I finally made it to the doctor yesterday to see what the problem was with all the blood work they did right before Jesse went in the hospital. As I expected, the thyroid levels were a mess. However, the liver enzymes (ALT & bilirubin) were up also, so the doctor wanted to do a second round of liver profile and TSH (thyroid) tests, and needed to draw more blood. I gave at the office.
Otherwise, I’m back to work online, trying to get everything moved to one hosting service to save money, and pulling my hair out in the process. It's taking a lot of time. I'm learning to hate databases. I’ll be glad to have it all done and able to move forward again.
The guys are supposed to finish getting my shelves up in the office this weekend. I need to finish getting the office stuff moved out of the spare room so Ellie will have a place to sleep!
So there we have it, that’s the way things are in our part of the world!
I enjoyed reading your January events. We all seem to be somewhat in the same boat--always lagging a little behind in this ever-racing world.
I'm glad Jess is doing so well. Is he self-employed?
I hope your new blood work gives answers to a long, ongoing search for the best wellness plan.
A full time job hunt can get discouraging in this economic slump. Thankfully, Jonathan has loving support during these tough times.
There never seems to be enough hours in the day, does there?
Yes, Jess is self-employed these days. He retired from a long time job at Shelby Contracting, and it wasn't but a few weeks until he back to work, only for himself.
What kind of surgery did Jess have?
I had knee reconstruction surgery to repair a torn ACL and a Lateral Ligament and my Meniscus. Everyone who's had knee replacement seem to walk so much sooner than those who have knee reconstruction. It's kind of frustrating, but ligaments and muscles just take longer to heal.
It's been 4 weeks since my surgery and I still can't walk without crutches or my walker. sigh.
I'm glad to read that Jess is doing so well. And I also hope the blood tests will be helpful and that you're feeling better than good very soon. :)
He had both knees replaced Dec. 8th and has done above average in getting back to walking on his own. But everyone is different, and as you say, reconstruction seems to be harder.
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