Well, as normal as it ever gets around here anyway.
Yesterday Jess went to see his ortho-surgeon for a 6-week check-up. Yes, it’s already been 6 weeks since he had surgery!
The surgeon commented that Jess is doing really great for so soon after surgery. He checked how well Jess’s knees are bending, and how well he can straighten them out. Jess also had a progress report for the doctor that they’d given him at the rehab center.
The bottom line is the doctor left it up to Jess when to quit physical therapy, and told him if he felt like driving to go right ahead and drive. He goes back for another check-up in 2 months, and if he’s still doing so well, that’s probably the last one.
Today I needed to go to the post office, so Jess said he’d come along “just to get out of the house.” Funny thing, but when I started to get in the driver’s side of the car and then thought to ask him if he wanted to try driving, he “just happened” to have his keys. You know, just “in case there was an opportunity.”
He drove us to Fayetteville and back, with no more craziness than he exhibited before surgery, so I guess he’s good to go and can start driving himself around. That’s super!
He’s got physical therapy tomorrow and again Friday, then he’s going to call it quits. He plans on going into his office Thursday just to check in on things, and maybe try to actually go back to work on Monday.
Life is getting closer and closer to normal.
Great news for Jess! How are you?
He says he doesn't have pain any more, except after physical therapy. Wish I could say that. His pain gets better & mine gets worse. :-(
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