
Amazing Grace

When the kids were visiting last week, we got to talking about music in church, and how so many churches these days are using worship teams and all contemporary music. As it happens, the church they attend uses a mix, which I think is good.

However, I will admit that although I like a lot of today's music, I have a special fondness for the classic hymns. A friend sent me a link to this video, and it really touched my heart.

I love Amazing Grace played on bagpipes, and though all the guys are wonderful singers, the power of the bass singer as he belted out his solo verse was awesome. I'm thinking if you can watch that video and it doesn't touch your heart, you need a heart check-up!

And I'm also wondering how many contemporary compositions will have the staying power of some of these classics. One hundred years from now, will anyone still be singing them? I don't know, but I'd bet some of these classics will still be around.

Amazing Grace... how sweet the sound!


SE: I must say that was a moving performance of 'Amazing Grace'. It was very well done. I enjoy male quartets.


That was so beautiful and stirring. Thanks for sharing it, Tish.