There's no nice white Christmas here. It looks kind of bleak and dreary.

In fact it brings to mind a twist on Poe's poem . . . Once upon a Christmas dreary, while I pondered weak and weary. . .
Thankfully though the weather may be gray, windy and wet, it's snug and warm inside! There's the aroma of fresh-baked bread, fresh-baked pumpkin pie, chicken cooking. . . at least we'll eat well!
The wild birds are feasting at the feeders. . .

The King is in his counting house (the dining area) counting out his money. . . Jonathan gave him another handfull of quarters, so he's sorting them by states.
The Queen is in her office, eating homemade bread and honey. . . (okay, so I'm on the computer, but I had homemade bread and hot chocolate for breakfast!)
The maid. . . well, no maid. How about a Jester? He's in the basement, either playing computer games or working on models.
So it's a pretty quiet Christmas. I know it is the only Christmas in my adult life where I have done absolutely NOTHING in the way of decorating and buying presents and all that sort of thing.
Oh well, I agree with Mother Teresa:
"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you…. Yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” —Mother Teresa"
Hope you are having a happy Christmas.
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