There you have it - the weather report for our part of the world. We have a severe weather advisory for high winds. We've had some rain. Snow, however, is not on the agenda. Now aren't you just totally thrilled and excited to know all that?
Jess and I actually went to Huntsville today. He needs a new printer and scanner for work, and Staples had one on sale he wanted to look at. We checked it out, bought it, and brought it home. He'll take it to the office on Monday.
We also stopped at Tractor Supply, Lowe's and Gander Mountain, trying to find another item he wanted. We actually saw several varieties, but haven't figured out how we could move and install something that weighs 800 pounds in our basement.
On the bright side, we stopped at Applebee's for lunch. I greatly enjoyed one of their Oriental Chicken Salads. Jess went for the Southwest version.
There was a lot of traffic. Hmmmm, I guess that could be because tomorrow is a holiday.
So speaking of tomorrow, well by mutual agreements with many relatives, no gifts were exchanged. Here at home there is also no tree or any other Christmas decorations at our house, and absolutely nothing to go under a tree or put in stockings or anything else. I mean, I truly have not bought a thing or done a thing to celebrate a holiday.
I do plan to cook a decent meal tomorrow, and promised to make hot chocolate for breakfast, but I do have to wonder. . . how is it on holidays the women are still working while the men sit around and watch tv or play on the computer?
I remember at Thanksgiving or Christmas gatherings at my grandmother's house, the guys would be in the living room watching football or parades on tv, and the women would first be cooking, then cleaning up. It didn't seem right to me then, and it still doesn't. But the facts are, if it's going to get done, usually it's the women who are going to have to do it.
So it seems if the woman of the house does nothing about a holiday, well, then it just won't get done. No baking. No candy making. No buying presents. No mailing cards. No decorating. No whatever.
It's kind of depressing.
As far as I can tell, the so called woman's liberation movement has accomplished this: women are now free to work outside the home. But that doesn't seem to excuse them from doing the work INSIDE the home as well, or even that the two adults now both working will split the work needed done at home. So in effect, it just means most women now essentially have two jobs, so more work and responsibilities than they ever had.
Gosh, I just feel so warm and fuzzy to be a liberated woman.
I seem to recall a Thanksgiving when some sisters-in-law named Tish, Judith, Jane, and Becky, with their mother -in-law, cooked and cooked and cooked ......... then packaged food, washed/dried/put away the dishes, swept floors, wiped down stove and counters. And finally sat down for a cup of tea.
At that moment, the men folk and kids, who had been out shooting hoops, returned, saying, "Gee, we're hungry. What is there to eat?" THIS sister-in-law said to her man and kids: "Help yourselves!"
(Not very gracious, I know .... but I was beyond tired!)
Mike and I have joked for years that both of us would like to have a wife to take care of us! LOL
Well, I'm thinking that gracious or not, it was the right thing to say. ;-)
Maybe what we all need is a combination cook/ housekeeper/ etc.
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