Yesterday I had a Skype call with Richard and Ellie. When we first tried Skype, Ellie wasn't too sure about her "Sussern Mama" showing up on her Dad's computer and talking to her. She was pretty shy and it would take a long time for her to warm up and get going.
I'd say those days are pretty well over. Now it doesn't take long for Ellie to start talking and telling me about what's happening in her life.
She had a new toy camera to show me yesterday, and a new Sesame Street sort of dolly, Abby. She had her dad set Abby up beside the computer screen so she'd be "sitting by Sussern Mama", and then she proceeded to tell me to "Say Cheese" and took a picture of me and Abby.
Then she had to show me how she drives, and told me that she and Abby drove to the store not once, but THREE times, and Abby drove home because Ellie was tired, and they bought lots of Play-doh. In fact, they bought so much Play-doh that Ellie had plenty to send to me and Sussern Grandpa and Uncle Geek as presents.
She does this with one of her imaginative games of throwing a present. Richard and Chrystie have no idea how she came up with this game, just one day she started giving out presents! When we're doing the Skype thing, it works with the present going right through their webcam and in and out of my webcam into my waiting hands.
"Open it!" commands Ellie.
"What is it?" says I.
And then it's Play-Doh, or food, or toys or any number of things!
Like I said, what an imagination! I smile and laugh a lot at her stories.
It sounds like she had a good Christmas time, with being in a play at school and at church, and playing with her friends and relatives, and generally enjoying Christmas.
That's the upside of her surgery being postponed. Since her surgery is now scheduled for January 26, 2010, she was able to do all the Christmas stuff. If it had remained January 5th, her Christmas activities and visiting would have beeen curtailed in an effort to be sure she didn't catch any "bug" before surgery.
And from what Chrystie says, all the arrangments are in place again for flying to Vancouver, the surgery, home and then down to Florida for Ellie to have therapy.
After that, we hopefully won't need an imagination to see Ellie walking much better!
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