I don’t know anything about fixing cars. I just want to be able to get in my car, and it works RELIABLY. It gets me where I want to go without breaking down.
I don’t know anything about fixing computers. I just want to be able to turn it on, and it works RELIABLY. It does what I need it to do without breaking down. (And if there’s a glitch, at least make it a simple one that my in-house or my Canadian consultant can easily diagnose and tell me how to fix it.)
I don’t know anything about fixing the heating and air conditioning system. I just want to be able to turn that thermostat on, and it’s hot or cold as needed. Again, RELIABLY. Granted, there’s usually a glitch getting the furnace started every fall, but for the most part, it’s been pretty good. And we have a good repairman to call if there’s a problem.
There’s just a whole lot of things I use every day that I can’t fix on my own. I reckon that’s modern living for you. If we were back “long ago”, we’d be using a horse and buggy instead of a car, and we’d have to know how to take care of the horse and buggy on our own. (Except I think even then, the services of a blacksmith were needed!) There wouldn’t be a computer, the fireplace/stove would provide heat and you'd have to hope for a breeze to provide cooling.
But I don’t want to be a pioneer. I want my creature comforts. And yes, I’m spoiled and want my communication system to work too. I don’t use the telephone much. I’m more of a writer than a talker. Besides, with email, you can send it off at your convenience, and the other party can read it at THEIR convenience. Nice for both parties.
Well, for a week or so I’ve been getting messages from Mediacom about how they are going to upgrade the email system. I guess they made the change yesterday, and so far, it’s just a mess.
I haven’t got ANY of my mail from about noon yesterday to 6 or 7pm, and what I’m getting now I KNOW is only a fraction of what I should be getting.
I haven’t been able to SEND email since yesterday morning.
They’ve got a new web-mail interface. I guess they’re trying to copy Yahoo, and have a home page, and there’s a button on it you click to get to the email. The really annoying part is that every time you click anything, it opens a new window. And I’ve only been able to get into the webmail a few times. Most of the time the new window times out. Pretty soon there’s half a dozen windows open and still no mail!
And even if you do get to the email, it’s still the same problem. The email isn’t coming through..
I called this morning and they’ve got a canned message saying that there are delays in people getting mail and sending mail, the technicians are working on it, and thank you for your patience.
Who said I was patient? I am NOT patient.
Here’s what I think.
- If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Cause gee, now it IS broke. If they’d left things alone I’d still be getting my email!
. - If I wanted a newsy home page for webmail, I’d just use my Yahoo email address all the time. And guess what? It’s FREE. I just want to go straight to my email, thank you very much, and forget this other crap.
. - I frequently see or hear Mediacom advertising for phone service. Now there’s a big joke. My land line works pretty reliably. I don’t have to worry if I’m going to be able to use the phone. It takes an ice storm or something taking down the lines before there’s a problem most of the time. But problems with my Mediacom service? That happens all too frequently. NO WAY I'd ever trust them for my phone service.
I just want it to work.
Dear Author todaystrek.blogspot.com !
I am final, I am sorry, but you could not give more information.
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