When I put up the post with Jess’s NASCAR birthday card, I noticed it’s been almost a month since I posted any real updates on what’s going on around here. I know everyone is busy, and many people even “more busy” with getting ready for Christmas.
Well, we’re no exception to that “being busy” phenomenon.
We had a super great time in Florida visiting with family. What a blessing it is to all get together over Thanksgiving. It works out so well with Randy having a room, and Jess and I having a room, at the missions complex. They’re nice rooms, economical, in a beautiful area, and close to the Sanford’s house. That means we all get to visit, but not all squished into one house 24 hours a day for the duration of the visit. 9 people in a 3-bedroom house would be a bit much!
And we have such wonderful visits. It’s so nice that not only do we have great family with Randy and all the Sanfords, but their extended family is pretty special too! We love Dave’s Mom, Lucille, and his sister, Becky, and her husband Dave. They’re just good people, fun to be around, and to have such a big house full of people and no fusses or tensions in the family… did I mention how blessed we all are?
We even got to say hello to the “special friends” of Lee, Emily and Ryan. Lee’s girlfriend, Danielle, was there quite a bit. We had an especially good time visiting Friday evening around the campfire in the woods by the Sanford house. (Chilly, but fun!)
Moving from the far south on up to the far north, the Kroeker-Boggs clan stay crazy busy, too. Chrystie has her own blog many of you read so I’ll only mention here that they really need your prayers! This bit about having a surgery date all set up for Ellie, and plane tickets and a rental place in Florida all set up, plus Chrystie taking leave from her job, and then what happens? The neurosurgeon and team change the date from the 5th to the 19th of January, then that doesn’t work either, and now it’s all up in the air, well! That sucks! (I actually hate that expression, but somehow it seems so appropriate for this situation.)
So anytime you think of them, pray that the arrangements all work out for Ellie to have her surgery before the middle of January, and work out soon so they can quit stressing about it! It’s more than enough to have on your mind that your child is having surgery without having to worry if all the arrangements made to accommodate the surgery and subsequent therapy are all going to work out.
Here on the homefront, Jess has been swamped with work since clear back after returning from our vacation at Panama City Beach in Florida. That’s a mixed blessing. It’s good he has work, and it’s good he’ll get more money, but sometimes it gets to be a little too much of a “good thing” and he starts to stress a bit. I’m thinking by the end of next year, it will be high time for him to retire.
Even working at Domino’s can keep a person busy! Jonathan works full time, and often even gets in some over time. With the economy still, shall we say, less than stellar, that’s a blessing. He even does a little work on the side now and then, getting commissions for painting models used in tabletop war games. With work and visiting friends and carting Mom to the grocery store or post office, he stays busy too!
As for me, one set of training is winding down, but I’ve still got a couple more going strong. One is a new set of seminars on healing, and I’m really excited about that. I’m hoping to learn some great things!
Besides training, I have to do the actual work of putting all this training to use, plus the usual household and farm chores. Yeah, I stay busy, too. Unfortunately, all this cold, rainy weather we've been having lately makes things difficult. It’s got my peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain in my feet) stirred up, making it hard to walk sometimes. And of course, the thoracic neuralgia and fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are all aggravated too.
But I’ve got great hopes that 2010 is going to be a stupendous year on all fronts! I’m looking for a whole lot of things to “gel” and improvements all over the place. So as "they" say (whoever "they" are!), hang on to your hat and get ready to rock and roll, cause before you know it 2010 is going to be here!
Are you ready?
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