There's not much of 2009 left, and it just hit me this morning, bam! That means I need to get my pictures and other files on my computer tidied up and sorted out so I'll be ready to make new ones for 2010.
That's especially true for my pictures. When I take them off the camera and put them onto the computer, I put each group into a folder. Later I sort the pictures into categories, to make it easier to find the ones I might want later.
Unfortunately, I have a tendency to get WAY behind on the sorting part, so I'm trying to catch up with that.
Then I need to take the new external hard drive out of the box... the one I bought at the same time I got my laptop... and hook it up and back up everything. Then I can set the computer to do automatic back-ups again. My present back-up drive is full, so I haven't been able to do that.
Blog posts and info, business stuff... all kinds of folders need backed up and then new folders made for 2010.
I also ordered a copy of Windows 7 today. Actually, I get it free as part of the deal when I bought my laptop. I don't even have to pay shipping and handling.
Once I get that, I hope to hire one of Jonathan's friends to install it on my laptop, then set up a secure wireless network for me so I can finally swap files between my computers. It would make things ever so much easier!!
I also need to erase the Office 2007 programs I put on my desktop since they're going to go defunct after I open them a few more times, and get the older programs put back on. Too bad. Guess I'll just have to remember how to use both versions.
I also need to find my Photoshop disk and install that program on my laptop. It has as much power as my desktop, so no reason I can't use it to edit photos. In fact, since it has a 15.6 inch edge-to-edge HD+ wide screen, it will probably be even better. I know the colors certainly look more vibrant and crisp on the laptops screen than they do on the CRT monitor with my desktop computer.
AND I also need to hook up a different printer. Right now I don't have a color printer (why doesn't anyone mention if you don't use an inkjet printer on a regular basis the heads will clog up and ruin the printer?). Jess got a new printer, so I'm getting his old one to use. It sucks up ink like a dessicated sponge, but it will be nice to have a color printer handy for snail mail.
I'm going to be lucky if I can get all that finished this week and be ready to rock and roll the first week of the new year.
I may need more to time to tidy up my computers!
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