Gotta love the guys at ThinkGeek.com. Who else would think up something like Star Wars Chop Sabers?
Or how about this Tauntaun sleeping bag?

You can "slumber in the belly of the beast," and they were even "thoughtful" (crazy?) enough to have "printed internal intestines." A little over-the-top realistic, perhaps?
They have all kinds of things Star Wars, like a "Force Trainer", cookbook, R2D2 trashcan, lightsaber laser pointer, and how about this?

Your very own R2D2 peppermill! Now how cool is THAT?
Gotta love Geeks!
Yes, yes you do... now please get a towel for my drool :)
LOL! I hear ya! I really think that little peppermill is cute! But they have all kinds of cool stuff, as you well know!
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