
Greetings! Here's another update from the Sunny South!

This morning I updated the farm blog “Rural Ramblings” and Ellie’s blog, “Helping Ellie Walk.” I already had a post scheduled for "Health Food Made Easy." Figured I might as well make a clean sweep of it and get this one done too. Seems like with everything I’m doing lately, I’m lucky to post here once a week.

A Funky Finger – It still hurts. The x-rays did not show any displaced bones, so the doctor says to just hang in there, it will eventually get better. I hope she’s right, because I positively do NOT need another point of pain, especially in my hands.

Business Online – Once I was sure my finger wasn’t going to be in a cast, I got to work on the 90-Day Challenge. The last couple of days I’ve been working on choosing domain names, setting up hosting accounts, and testing their blog uploading software and just generally getting a feel for what I’m going to have to do.

Yesterday I was afraid I was going to snatch myself bald-headed before it was done. I had a couple of technical glitches, and trying to get what user name and password goes with what is confusing. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of them, and even with that my mind boggles at remembering what to use where.

For just ONE website/blog/business, there is a user name and password for my account on Godaddy, then another set for the domain name, a set for my account on Hostgator, then another for that particular domain on the host, plus a set for every data base I set up on that website, then a set for getting into the uploader software online, another for the admin on the Wordpress account, and… well, you get the picture.

I’m sure I haven’t remembered all of them, but right there are SEVEN sets of user names and passwords. Multiply that by at least 12 domains for the 90-Day Challenge, plus user names and passwords for my other 4 blogs, the website tools I use, and on and on and on… and you end up with more than 15 spreadsheet pages trying to keep track of it all.

Car Crisis – I got a call from Jess Monday about 6pm. He was on his way home from work and the electrical system on the car went totally dead, and soon after so did the rest of the car. He managed to get pulled over to the side of the road. He’d already called a tow truck, which showed up shortly after I did.

To make a long story short, the alternator croaked (we almost did too when we got the bill for fixing it). It didn’t take them as long to repair it as they thought it would, and we were able to pick the car up Wednesday evening.

Dad’s Distress – My poor Dad! He went to the hospital early last Tuesday for his procedure, and the surgeon was called away to an emergency of some kind. He waited and waited all morning, and finally the surgeon sent word for him to go home and they rescheduled the surgery for next Tuesday. Hopefully, this time it will go off without a hitch.

I guess it’s just as well we didn’t try to go to West Virginia. We’d have been stranded on the side of the road, and then when we got there, the surgery postponed until the next week. THAT would have all created some been big-time stress!

Jonathan’s Framed – Well, he's gonna be. The frames on his eyeglasses broke last weekend, and he had to get creative to get them to hold together until he could get new ones. Fortunately, he was able to get into an eyedoctor right away, and is now waiting on his new glasses to come in.

I guess that pretty well catches up the happenings from around here. If not before, guess I’ll be back here next week with the updates!