Yes, I Concede ...
And there ought to be a whole lot more politicians do that. Frankly, I’m sick beyond puking at their continual political character assassinations. No one seems to be exempt from either making attacks or being attacked. There are back-to-back commercials for opposing politicians, and both are intent on throwing dirt at his or her opponent. Excuse me, but if that’s the best you can manage for a campaign, what does it say about YOUR character?
Frankly, it is my humble belief that it should become politically correct to NOT be able to say one thing about your opponent unless you’re face to face in a debate, and to instead concentrate on presenting to the people what it is YOU plan to accomplish if elected. I’d say it should be law, but people get all freaked out about that First Amendment thing.
It brings to mind the line, “First, we kill all the lawyers.” Let’s change that to, “First, we kill all the political spin doctors.” After all, the politicians are pretty much spouting what the advisors in the background tell them to, and those ads are most especially spin doctor created.
But I digress. I’m the one conceding here. And for today, this is what I concede in no particular order of importance:
· I concede defeat. There is NO way I can make up for lost time and get everything done and start pulling in enough money to win the 90DC. I only have about 3 weeks left, and I’m not even up to the minimum income yet, let alone bringing in enough to win, which would be about 10 times as much. I’ve got too much coming up, what with in the next few weeks first a trip, then company, then another trip, to be able to do nothing but work on the computer. I'm not quitting mind you; I just concede I can't win the contest.
· I further concede part of it is my own fault. Although there were a lot of interfering circumstances, some things I goofed on. I get sidetracked easily. I didn’t follow the plan totally step-by-step, trying to fit in as much as I could and catch up. Also, I like to write too much. I realized after spending the last two days on writing posts for the next couple of weeks for ONE blog, I have a problem. I got ahead of myself and started working on the second part of my three-part agenda for an income. I need to back-track and do any steps I left out for this first part, instead of worrying about getting as much done as possible to fit into 90 days. (If you didn't follow all that, just stick with the highlighted part. :-) )
· I concede I need to cut my hair. It’s almost waist-length. Time to whack off about 12-inches or so.
· I concede to paranoia when it comes to the Social Security administration. Every two years I have to fill out forms telling them why they should continue to make my disability payments. It’s time again, and it’s totally nerve-wracking. I think of it as cruel and unusual punishment. After spending two years going through the process to get disability in the first place, now I have prove to them AGAIN why I need it. If they don’t like the answers on this form, they can ask for a full medical review again. And of course, they can deny your claim and make you start totally over again in the form of the appeals process. It wouldn’t be a total disaster to lose the income -- it’s not much since I wasn’t in the workforce that long. But the insurance is another matter.
· I concede to being fed up with people too lazy to think for themselves. Politics, religion, science, whatever it is, how about doing a little independent thinking folks??? For instance, don’t pass that email along just because it supports your particular political or religious agenda until you’ve checked to make sure the facts are straight. A quick look at some of the hoax and urban legends sites on line will usually let you know if the email is fact or fiction. Passing along a story that isn’t true doesn’t help a cause, it hurts it.
And along those same lines, how about the school board or whoever okays the purchases of textbooks taking a look at what’s IN those books once in a while? I was reading through a history textbook yesterday, and talk about revisionist history! This one was slanted to the left, with stuff reported as facts that make liberals look good, and downplaying any conservative contributions.
Well, excuse me, but how about some history books that report the FACTS? Not the conservative view, not the liberal view, but a history book that just reports factual events. No opinions, no deliberate deleting of facts you don’t like, just history as it happened. If your political viewpoint can’t stand up to a historical review, maybe it’s time to change it anyway instead of cramming it down the throats of our young people!
There’s a whole bunch more I could say about that sort of thing, and how we seem to have become too small-minded to allow for any “facts” other than the ones we cherish, whether they happen to be true or not. We need to think for ourselves, and more importantly at this point, we need to be teaching our children to think for themselves!
And that’s all I’m conceding for today.
I agree completely w/ that last one... I think one of the greatest things you passed on to me was the notion of "think for yourself". The problem w/ things like textbooks, etc, is partly that it's become political -- chosen by a board of officials (politicians, NOT experts in the fields the books are about).
Sounds like your revised plan for the websites/etc is a good one... don't rush, don't worry about the "competitive" part, just learn what you need to learn since that's what's most important once the 90 days is done anyhow.
Wow, you mean I did something right as a parent! ha! Somehow it's too easy to focus on all the things you wish you'd done differently.
Anyway, thanks on both aspects of the above comment. Revising my plan is the only option at this point. It would take more intense hours than I've got in me to try to catch up. I've been doing it since practically the first week I started, and I'm worn down. I've got too many responsibilities and not enough good hours I can work at them.
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