
The Best Laid Plans

To adapt a line from a Robert Burns poem, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” That certainly seems to be the case around here lately. Yesterday could have been a case study in things gone awry!

Example #1 – I went to a twice deferred appointment with my doctor to FINALLY get my bloodwork and a couple of spots burned off my skin. I’m not sure we got all the right bloodwork ordered because my regular doctor is on bedrest due to pregnancy complications and I saw someone filling in for her. Trouble is, she didn’t leave explicit instructions on my chart, so not sure what all bloodwork was supposed to get done. As for the skin problems, I’ve got to have a biopsy on one, and I have to go to a dermatologist to do it. Obviously, that appointment didn’t turn out as planned!

Example #2 – I got the bright idea to switch the thyroid med I’ve been taking prescribed by the Fibro Clinic and have my regular doctor prescribe an equivalent. I take two different kinds and the one I’ve been getting at the pharmacy here is only $4 so figured it would be cheaper to get the second kind there also. Well, I figured WAY wrong. Turns out even though this is an “old” drug, no one makes a generic and the insurance won’t pay for brand names.

Example #3 – I stopped to buy the pecan trees for Jess yesterday. We looked at them on his birthday but weren’t sure which to buy. When I stopped to get them, the nursery had got a new shipment in, and they cost on the average of $5-$25 more than the old ones. Oh well!

Example #4 – Jonathan and I have been working on my office. Despite the fact I made a graph of the room, then little to-scale blocks for each piece of furniture going in there, when we started putting stuff in there, it didn’t work out quite like it did on paper for various reasons. We had to make several adjustments!

Example #5 – And do you know what happens when you work on a bigger home project? The rest of the house goes to Hades in a hand basket as stuff gets moved out of the room you’re working on, and you’re spending all your time on that one project and no time to do everything else. ARGH!

However, even though many plans had to be adapted, it isn’t all bad. I don’t have to go to the dermatologist for about 3 months, which will give me time to get through Jess having his knee surgery and rehabilitation.

And the office, wow! I’m really started to get excited about it. Anyone who’s ever been to our house is NOT going to recognize it by the time we’re done. I wish I’d thought to take a picture before we started. It was a catch all room, with piles of stuff everywhere. It’s really starting to shape up, and by the time we get finished, it’s going to be a great place to work.

I’m really eager to get back to work, too, but probably won’t make it for another week. Jess has surgery Monday, so that day is obviously full. Not surprisingly, he’s pretty anxious about this surgery to replace both knees, to the point his “nerves” are causing lesions on his hands. It will be good to get through the surgery, and start the rehabilitation part. I know that won’t be easy, but at least he’ll know he should be getting better every day after that.

Hopefully, plans will shape up for a while without so many glitches!


You have much going on (as usual)! I will pray for Jess tomorrow and and the days after as he goes through therapy and recovery. I will also keep Jonathon in prayer for a new job. His ex-boss sounds a little like my boss! It is a lose/lose with people like that. I wish him the best. (John is in the same boat trying to find full time work with benefits--and decent pay!)