Here’s hoping this year brings some GOOD news and happenings to everyone! But as is often the case at the start of a new year, I find myself reflecting on years gone by. Here’s a list of things from times past, in no particular order, that I’m going to miss:
#1 A desktop calendar. Not the sort that are “one a day” but an upright one like the farm calendar I made for 2007. Kind of this shape /_\ It was perfect for sitting on top of my computer monitor, and on the table.
#2) Aprons. As I’ve been doing more and more cooking, I find I miss the aprons my Granny used to make. NOT the smock version so often seen these days. They just cover your top. This kind had a loop that slipped over your head with a top part covering your chest, then tied around the waist and covered your skirt or pants to the knees, or thereabouts. It was great to wipe your hands on, for keeping flour off your clothes when making bread, and just downright handy.
#3) Snow on Christmas Day. And Christmas Day ONLY.
#4) More family nearby. Richard and Chrystie and now Ellie living in the Huntsville area again. NONE of the grandkids are close. I mean, Florida and Canada??? We have to travel long distances in opposite directions to see any of them!
#5) Flower gardening. My health keeps me from doing much of that these days and I miss big, beautiful, well-kept flower beds filled with unusual varieties.
#6) I miss being rich. Oh wait… I never was rich…. Well, wouldn’t it be fun to have so much money you could buy ANYTHING you wanted, and even better, be able to help out people whenever you wanted to???
#7) Lambs and goat kids. No babies this spring. What a bummer. Looking out our dining room window and watching a bunch of little lambs running around playing with each other like kids on a playground was such fun.
#8) My mother. She died the same year I graduated from college, but after all these years, I still get that pang once in a while of missing her. She so wanted grandchildren, and I know she would have been thrilled with all of them, and now the great grandchildren. I wish I’d treated her better, and been less intent on my own life and more aware of HER needs. Once someone is gone, there’s no way to make up for things.
#9) Living out in the boonies. Actually, there are parts I miss from a lot of places we’ve lived. I miss having fewer neighbors here. It doesn’t seem so rural anymore with subdivisions in every direction. I miss the log house we had in Wheeling. I miss being able to sit on the front porch of the house in Eureka and watch barges going up and down the river.
#10) And last, but not least, I miss my sanity. I’m just sure I had it sometime, but it’s been a VERY long time ago!
Clare might have the kind of apron you're missing. She has very pretty ones now and is working on a pattern for a more utility type apron.
#3... yes, Christmas Day ONLY. And not 3 feet to shovel :P
#10... :X
Clare has some pretty aprons! They're so nice and bright and cheerful. The retro comes closest to what my Granny used to make...
But at ApronMart, there's one that's even closer. They're called a CAMISOLE apron. Who knew? But it looks almost exactly like I remember Granny's aprons.
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