
Things that made me smile…

Some days when the pain is really bugging me, and I’m thinking about all the stuff I’m NOT getting done, I have to work on staying un-depressed. So to cheer myself up today, I’ve been thinking about things that made me smile recently.

* Reading emails from friends.
* Pictures of Ellie “helping” make cupcakes.

* My parrot crawling up on the couch to be with me.
* Jess thinking to stop and get feed without me having to ask.
* Jonathan offering to help me do evening chores without me having to ask.
* Bright red cardinals dancing on my windowsill looking for sunflower seeds.
* Being invited to be Scott’s friend (of Spanglish Gringo fame) on Facebook and then having to grin when I looked at his pictures there and discovered yet another similarity between Scott/Vero and Richard/Chrystie besides what I already mentioned in His Mysterious Ways. Both guys are TALL. The gals are, well… not so tall. A whole bunch not so tall!

These and other smile inducers are all around, but some days I have to work harder at seeing them. Somehow it's just easier to notice the bad stuff.

And now here's another smile - YOU just read my blog! Thanks!