
Of stain, a baby & fireworks!

Jonathan and I actually got with the program Sunday afternoon and stained the door and trim for the bathroom. It was a major project, not because it took so long to stain everything – it didn’t – but because we had an awful time trying to get the stain to match the existing woodwork. It’s got a “Honey Spice” stain, which has just a hint of red in it, so no matter how much we darkened the natural stain with the “Golden Oak”, it wasn’t going to look just quite the same.

Finally I remembered I’d used a cherry colored stain for the aviary in our living room, and ferreted out a can of it in the basement. After several tries of mixing the three shades, we finally got something that looked close to the same color as the cupboards.

While we were working on that, Jess went down to Huntsville to see Jason and the new baby, before heading to church.

Meet Sara Beth King, born May 28th, 2008.

He visited with the three of them for a while, and snapped a bunch of pictures.

Jason and Katie Sharp

Then he headed back up to FRBC for the big 4th of July celebration. They had all kinds of food and games and a HUGE fireworks display.

It was pretty late by the time Jess made it home from all his frivolities.

We all had a full day of activities!